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2023-06-06    作者:高达    来源:亚盈平台(中国)有限公司    点击:


2018年09月-2022年06月 华中科技大学  数量经济学 博士
2017年09月-2018年06月 华中科技大学  数量经济学 硕士
2013年09月-2017年06月 湖北工业大学  财务管理   本科



[1] Ge Li, Gao D *, Xiao Xia Shi. How does information and communication technology affect carbon efficiency? Evidence at China's city level [J]. Energy & Environment, 2023. (SSCI)
[2] Ge Li, Gao D *, Yi Li.Impacts of Market-based Environmental Regulation on Green Total Factor Energy Effi ciency in China[J] China & World Economy.2023. (SSCI)
[3] Gao D, Li G, Yu J. Does digitization improve green total factor energy efficiency? Evidence from Chinese 213 cities[J]. Energy, 2022: 123395. (SCI ESI 1% 高被引)
[4] Gao D, Li Y, Li G.Boosting the green total factor energy efficiency in urban China: Does low-carbon city policy matter? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022(SCI ESI 1% 高被引)
[5] Gao D, Li Y, Yang Q. Can pollution charges reform promote industrial SO2 emissions reduction?—Evidence from 189 China’s cities[J]. Energy & Environment, 2021, 32(1): 96-112.(SSCI).
[6] Gao D, Li G, Li Y. Government cooperation, market integration, and energy efficiency in urban agglomerations—based on the quasi-natural experiment of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Economic Coordination Committee[J]. Energy & Environment, 2021 (SSCI).
[7] Gao D, Li G, Li Y, et al. Does FDI improve green total factor energy efficiency under heterogeneous environmental regulation? Evidence from China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021: 1-14. (SSCI)
[8] Gao D, Mo X, Duan K, Li Y.Can green credit policy promote firms’ green innovation? Evidence from China [J]. Sustainability,2022 (SSCI)
[9] Gao D, Mo X, Xiong R, et al. Tax Policy and Total Factor Carbon Emission Efficiency: Evidence from China’s VAT Reform[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(15): 9257. (SSCI)
[10] Li G, Gao D*, Li Y. Dynamic environmental regulation threshold effect of technical progress on green total factor energy efficiency: evidence from China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 29(6): 8804-8815. (SCI)
[11] Shulin Shen, Le Xia, Yulin Shuai, Gao D*.Measuring News Sentiment using Big Data for Chinese Stock Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2022. (SSCI)
[12] Yang Liu, Gao D*.The bright side of the digital economy: Evidence from improving green total factor energy efficiency in China.Energies,2022 (SSCI)
[13] Wang S, Feng H, Gao D. Testing for short explosive bubbles: A case of Brent oil futures price[J]. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 52: 103497. (SSCI)
[14] Yang Q, Gao D, Song D, et al. Environmental regulation, pollution reduction and green innovation: The case of the Chinese Water Ecological Civilization City Pilot policy[J]. Economic Systems, 2021, 45(4): 100911. (SSCI)
[15] 李 依 ,高达 *,卫平 .中央环保督察能否诱发企业绿色创新 ?[J].科学学研究 ,2021,39(08):1504-1516. (CSSCI )
[16] 高达 ,李格 .政府合作与城市群能源效率 ——基于长三角城市经济协调会的准自然实验 [J].软科学 ,2022,36(02):78-85. (CSSCI源刊)
[17] 李格 ,高达 *,吕世公 .区域一体化与城市群绿色发展 ——基于长三角扩容的准自然实验 [J].经济经纬 ,2022 .(CSSCI源刊)
[18] 张建华 ,郑冯忆 ,高达 .中国劳动力转移对全要素生产率增长的影响 [J].中国人口科学 ,2020(06):29-40+126-127. (CSSCI源刊)
[19] 孙焱林 ,李格 ,高达 .“一带一路 ”倡议能否改善劳动力错配 ?——来自中国地级市
的经验证据 [J].人口与经济 ,2022(02):124-139. (CSSCI源刊)
[20] 李依 ,卫平 ,高达 .环境分权能促进雾霾 PM_( 治理吗 ??——基于空间效应检验 [J].生态经济 ,2020,36(11):172-179+194. (北大核心源刊)

